Technology That Goes Hand In Hand with HID’s 2024 Access Control Trends

August 9, 2024

Woman using her phone

The security industry is completely reinventing itself as we speak. So much so that HID, in partnership with IFSEC Insider, surveyed more than 1,200 global security professionals and developed the 2024 State of Physical Access Control Report to highlight the key trends shaping the industry. 

At Alert Enterprise, we are proud to be at the forefront of addressing these trends with our innovative technology solutions. Read below to see how our offerings align with the latest trends in access control. 


The report emphasizes the growing adoption of mobile access and digital IDs, driven by the need for touchless and contactless solutions. At Alert Enterprise we recognize the convenience and security that mobile credentials offer. Our NFC Wallet mobile credentials solutions enable seamless integration with mobile devices, allowing users to access buildings, log onto workstations, access smart lockers and even manage secure printing tasks via their smartphones or smartwatches. This not only enhances user experience but aligns with the trend toward digital transformation in access control. Alert Enterprise Guardian with the AE Wallet app enables the issuance and lifecycle management of mobile credentials from a single platform. The mobile credentials can be provisioned to thousands of user phones while simultaneously connecting to your physical access control systems.

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With the rise of smart buildings, integrating access control systems with other business functions such as HR, IT and facilities is becoming essential. Alert Enterprise goes beyond traditional access and identity by implementing analytics that deliver essential space utilization insights. This is a game changer when it comes to identifying areas of cost reductions, improving efficiency and drawing on new potential revenue streams. Our solutions enable organizations to optimize building usage, reduce energy consumption and improve overall efficiency by leveraging data from access control systems.

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Believe it or not, sustainability matters—even for access control. Alert Enterprise is committed to supporting our clients’ sustainability goals by offering solutions that reduce reliance on plastic ID cards. Our mobile credentialing not only minimizes environmental impact but also provides a more sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional plastic cards. By adopting our solutions, organizations can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and align with their ESG objectives.
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The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in access control is gaining traction for its ability to enhance security through advanced analytics. Alert Enterprise integrates Generative AI and machine learning capabilities to monitor access control systems, assets and devices, and badge behavior in real-time, along with detecting anomalies and providing predictive maintenance. Our AI-driven analytics help organizations quickly respond to potential threats, ensuring a higher level of security and operational efficiency. And our Security AI Chatbot—the industry’s first, might we add—automatically delivers the physical access and security insights that matter most.

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Get to know our Security AI Chatbot

Biometric technologies are becoming more prevalent in access control, offering a higher level of security and convenience. Alert Enterprise’s patented Policy Based Access Control integrates with biometric readers, removing discrepancies between physical and digital employee identities, streamlining badging in and out of physical workspaces, and giving you control over who goes where—and when—with security automation.
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The shift toward hybrid work environments presents unique challenges for access control. Alert Enterprise’s cloud-based solutions offer the flexibility needed to seamlessly manage access control across various locations. Our platform supports hybrid working models by allowing remote management of access permissions, ensuring that security is maintained regardless of where employees are working from. This capability is critical in today’s dynamic work environment where flexibility and security must go hand in hand.
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Improving user convenience is a top priority for organizations, and Alert Enterprise is dedicated to making access control systems user-friendly and efficient. Our solutions simplify the issuance and revocation of credentials, integrate seamlessly with existing systems, and offer intuitive interfaces for both administrators and users. By focusing on user convenience, we help organizations enhance productivity and satisfaction.

Improving user convenience is a top priority for organizations, and Alert Enterprise is dedicated to making access control systems user-friendly and efficient. Our solutions simplify the issuance and revocation of credentials, integrate seamlessly with existing systems, and offer intuitive interfaces for both administrators and users. By focusing on user convenience, we help organizations enhance productivity and satisfaction.

Want to see it in action?

As the access control industry continues to evolve, Alert Enterprise remains committed to providing cutting-edge solutions that address the latest trends and challenges. Our innovative technology not only enhances security but also improves convenience, supports sustainability, and leverages AI and biometrics to stay ahead of emerging threats. By partnering with Alert Enterprise, organizations can ensure they are well-equipped to navigate the future of physical access control.
For more information on how Alert Enterprise can help your organization stay ahead in access control, contact us today.


SVP, Global Sales

Mr. Butler executes and leads the company’s worldwide sales strategy while driving growth in key regions and working closely with strategic partners. Having grown up in the security industry, Mr. Butler brings deep knowledge of cyber and physical security disciplines with ample experience selling identity-focused Security SaaS applications in the Fortune 500 space. He joined Alert Enterprise in 2022.

Mark Weatherford

Directeur de la sécurité
Vice-président senior, Secteurs réglementés

Riche d’une longue expérience, Mark Weatherford est un spécialiste de haut vol dans le domaine de l’expertise cyberphysique. En tant que responsable de la sécurité (CSO) d’Alert Enterprise, il oriente la stratégie de gestion et de protection des données en émettant des recommandations sur les politiques et procédures de sécurité cyberphysique au sein de l’entreprise. Mark travaille également en liaison avec des entreprises et des cadres professionnels des secteurs de la cybersécurité et de la sécurité physique afin d’accélérer davantage l’adoption de la convergence de la sécurité.

Mark a occupé de nombreux postes de haut niveau dans le domaine de la technologie, notamment celui de vice-président et de responsable de la sécurité de North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), de premier sous-secrétaire adjoint à la cybersécurité du ministère de la sécurité intérieure sous l’administration Obama, de responsable principal de la sécurité de l’État de Californie et de directeur de la sécurité informatique de l’État du Colorado.

Harsh Chauhan

Directeur de la technologie

En tant que directeur de la technologie (CTO) d’Alert Enterprise, Harsh Chauhan est responsable de l’innovation technologique en matière d’ingénierie et de la mise en œuvre de solutions pour l’entreprise. Véritable vétéran et leader des technologies depuis 20 ans, Harsh Chauhan se consacre pleinement au développement de la plateforme cloud hyperscale 3D GRC (gouvernance, risques et conformité) de l’entreprise.

Il continue également à développer des solutions intégrées avec des partenaires technologiques de premier plan tels que SAP, SAP NS2 et ServiceNow. Avant Alert Enterprise, M. Chauhan a occupé plusieurs postes de directeur technique. Il a aussi occupé des fonctions de directeur produits et de responsable du développement chez SAP GRC 10.0, en proposant notamment des solutions personnalisées à des clients SAP de premier plan.

Ruby Deol

Directrice des opérations

Ruby Deol supervise l’ensemble des unités opérationnelles d’Alert Enterprise. Avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans les services de vente et de support mondiaux, Ruby Deol cultive les relations client en plaçant chacun d’entre eux au premier plan. Face à la croissance continue d’Alert Enterprise en termes de reconnaissance et de stature, Ruby Deol a désormais la mission de développer et de mettre en œuvre des méthodes pour atteindre les objectifs internes et favoriser la transformation continue de l’entreprise.

Kaval Kaur

Directrice financière et cofondatrice

En tant que directrice financière (CFO) et cofondatrice d’Alert Enterprise, Kaval Kaur dirige toutes les opérations de back-office administratif et financier. Kaval Kaur est membre de l’organisation professionnelle nationale de l’American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA – Institut américain des experts-comptables) et de la California State CPA Society.

Avant de rejoindre Alert Enterprise, elle était directrice financière et cofondatrice de Virsa Systems, poste qu’elle a occupé jusqu’à son acquisition par SAP.

Kaval est une véritable philanthrope, qui apprécie la diversité de la région de la baie de San Francisco où elle assiste et assure la promotion de grands événements culturels. Elle a récemment parrainé 2 000 écoles publiques dans les zones rurales de l’Inde pour aider les enfants à acquérir des bases informatiques. Elle est mère adoptive d’un enfant âgé de 10 ans.

Jasvir Gill

Fondateur et PDG

Jasvir Gill, fondateur et PDG d’Alert Enterprise, Inc. est à la tête de la transformation numérique et de la convergence de la sécurité. Ingénieur de formation accompli, Jasvir est à l’origine de la transformation numérique longtemps espérée dans le secteur de la sécurité physique.

Avant de lancer Alert Enterprise, Jasvir Gill a créé et occupé le poste de PDG de Virsa Systems, une entreprise devenue leader mondial des logiciels de sécurité des applications. Pionnier dans la mise en place de politiques de gouvernance, de gestion des risques et de conformité en tant que segment du marché des logiciels, Virsa a bénéficié d’une croissance exponentielle, ce qui a largement contribué à son acquisition par SAP e 2006.

Pendant son temps libre, Jasvir participe à des projets communautaires d’émancipation sociale et économique. Il est également administrateur de l’American India Foundation.